General Info

ST. AL’S NOTE CARDS: Packets of ten note cards with the sketch of St. Aloysius Gonzaga Church and envelopes are available in the rectory for $5.00. The note cards are ideal for reconnecting with an old friend or former parishioner, for writing a note of sympathy, for assuring a sick person of your prayers. They also make a nice gift for someone “connected” to our family here at St. Al’s. Just stop by and see Kathie or Millie during regular rectory office hours.

11/3/13: ST. AL’S WEB SITE: Our webmaster, John Fahey, updates our parish web site on an almost daily basis. Recent additions include the outline of the discussions centering on Father Martin’s book, My Life with the Saints, the reflections of the members of our Confirmation Class as they write about various Saints, helping them to choose a more appropriate Saint for their Confirmation Name, pictures of various activities within the parish, weekly bulletin and events. Visit our web site at: If you have any ideas or suggestions for improving the web-site or what materials should be placed on it, send our John an e-mail:

12/23/12 – WE ARE ON THE WEB! Our parish Web-site – – is now up and running thanks to the leadership of parishioners, Ben Dunkle and John Fahey. It is still in an early mode but improvements are being made each and every day. If anyone has the skills and time to help make even more improvements in the web-site, Ben and John could certainly use your help. Just give the rectory a call. What is amazing is that the web-site is so user friendly that even Father Peter can find it. And trust the author of this bulletin article: if Father Peter can find it, you can! Already on the web-site are Mass schedules, calendar of events, history of the parish, various reports, an interactive section in which you can place your comments, ideas and requests. The bulletin will be put on the site each Friday – but, as someone asked, if you read the bulletin on Friday, what will you do during one of Father Peter’s homilies? Good question!It is the hope of Ben and John that this new web-site will help make known the many opportunities available through St. Al’s for ministry (generosity), the opportunities for Adult Faith Formation (growth), the reverence that characterizes our Liturgy (prayer) and encourage Catholics to join us for Mass (evangelization). It all fits together – the web site will help make “dynamic Catholics” out of all of us and all who “hit” our site. Log onto and let us know what you think of our entrance into the computer age here at St. Aloysius Gonzaga. You might also want to let family members, graduates of our school and friends who have moved away know of the web-site so they can stay connected with our family here at St. Al’s. (The website was officially launched on 11/14/12 for future historians).

You can contact John Fahey directly at with any comments or suggestions for the website.

Our thanks go out to Ben Dunkle for setting up this website and designing our beautiful new logo.